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Thanks for your interest in helping transcribe documents from Glenwood's archival collection!


We hope you'll join us as we begin the work of making our extensive holdings more accessible to everyone. Please understand that our transcription process will evolve as we continue our journey. However, at the outset our primary goal is for you to explore the archive, try your hand at transcription, and help us preserve this treasure trove of historic documents.


Anyone may browse Glenwood's archive at and select a document that they'd like to transcribe. After choosing a document, just send us an email message letting us know which item you've selected. This will let us keep track of documents already being transcribed. Should another volunteer later select the same document, we can let them know that item is already underway. You may contact us at:


For this initial effort, you may submit transcriptions from your choice of software (e.g. MS Word, Google Docs, OpenOffice, Notepad, Wordpad). However, as volunteers become more adept at the transcription process, we may consider implementing restrictions on acceptable applications.


Again, just do the best you can and HAVE FUN!


If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact Dwayne Bartley, Glenwood's AmeriCorps volunteer, at:




It's easy, simply type what you see!


Ultimately, we desire to create transcriptions that match the content of each archive document as closely as possible. Just type words and paragraphs as you see them.


Please try to maintain original spelling, punctuation, and word order, even if grammatically incorrect. You may include the correct spelling in double brackets next to the incorrectly spelled word or at the bottom of the transcribed document. Example: Goerge Summers [[George Summers]].


When transcribing, please match the format of original sentences and paragraphs. Many archive documents have tight margins and short lines of text. Type each line of text as it appears, clicking "Enter" to move to a new line as necessary.


Insertions in original text: Should you encounter a word inserted into the original text (by caret or other symbol), simply include the inserted word in the text as you would read it aloud. Please do not use carets or brackets in the transcribed text.


Deleted/struck out words in original text: Please type "strikethrough" in double brackets before and after the word or phrase in question. Example: I really [[strikethrough]] like [[/strikethrough]] love reading old letters. 


Illegible text: Please make a note using double brackets [[ ]] like this: [[good guess?]] or simply [[?]], then continue transcribing the remainder of the legible text as normal. Sometimes a word is nearly impossible to decipher (even for the best of us!).


Special characters: Should you encounter a symbol or special character that's not easily transcribed, feel free to note that in brackets, similar to illegible text noted above. 


Transcription is hard work, so save your progress often!


It's okay if you're unable to complete the entire transcription. Every bit helps! Just submit what you've accomplished and we'll complete the rest.


Again, we appreciate your interest in the Historic Glenwood Foundation and our archival collection. We look forward to your transcription success!

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